Letter from the Editor

Dear readers, submitters, and curious folk alike,

I’ve always been awful at missing people -utterly and completely terrible at it. I’ve been lucky enough to live in dozens of cities and countries across this darling earth and I’ve been even luckier to fall in love with the vast number of people I’ve met. Unfortunately, I’ve had to leave everyone I’ve ever loved as well. I’ve always wished for one thing and one thing only, and that was to bring all of the people who’ve ever made me feel alive, youthful, electric, comforted, not alone, appreciated, and sublimely happy in one place and that’s what I plan to do with 1932 Quarterly. 1932 Quarterly is my way of having everyone I’ve ever loved -from Seattle to London to Philly to Vienna and everywhere in between- in one place. At least between the covers of 1932 Quarterly they’ll all be in one place and it will bridge the distance gap. So this is about bringing unlikely people together and building an everlasting bond and it has been such a beautiful and fulfilling endeavor so far.

-Layla Lenhardt